I have a motor driver board which has a bunch of capacitors on it. When I connect it to the mppt2420hc, it always triggers a “E: Low-side undervoltage alert, ADC reading: 21808 limit: 36133”. Then a 300 seconds delay, then the load switch turns on and this error triggered again.
I looked into the code. I found in the main function, there is a function daq_set_lv_limits(). Which is periodically called to set the max/min value of low-side voltage depending on current voltage measure at low side. The default setting of min is 0.8 times of low side voltage. I set it to 0.4 times based on the readings in error message. And now it works.
So I am just wondering what is the best practice when I need to connect to a capacitive load(has large in rush when turn on and big voltage dip)? Is there any drawbacks of my modification? Could set a interval for this error alert say if the voltage is just dipped for a brief second, the error won’t trigger?