Thinkset over CAN with MPPT 2420 HC and TI Beaglebone Black

Hello! I’m new to the forum.

I want to use the MPPT 2420 HC and receive data from it over CAN bus using a TI Beaglebone black running debian linux. I’ve read through the thinkset specifications and I was wondering what would be the most efficient way to implement this without developing my own stack on the client side (Beaglebone).

Also, where can I find thinkset specifications more specific to the MPPT 2420 HC? Like example field values for spefic voltages and currents that the charge controller will respond with. Or a sample exhange between server and client.


Hi Nathan,

There is currently no full-featured ThingSet client available that runs on a computer and supports CAN. I have started working on a client in Rust, but it is still work in progress and not yet published. The ThingSet app only supports the serial interface and WebSockets so far. However, you can easily send requests to the MPPT under Linux using the ISO-TP tools. Some examples are given here.

The protocol is meant to be self-explanatory, so that the data objects available by a specific device don’t need to be documented anywhere, but can instead be requested from the device itself. You can still have a look at the data_objects.cpp which defines all the exposed data.


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